
Chiba, Japan
Love my family,friends,mellow waves and longboarding. 毎週末、千葉北メインで良い波があるところに出没するテケテケ夫婦サーファーです♪ 日々の思い出をBlogupしています。 We are studying English for the future, so I write in English. If you can't read English, please enjoy the photos and atmosphere♪ See you in the water♪


The last day.....

The last day,
the waves became small....
and we couldn't see the ocean by fog.
We had a good time during G.W.

The weather was good all days, we met many friends,
and cought good waves ♪

Ate clams

He is the champion in this trip!!
We hope that we will enjoy surfing the next trip!!

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