This weekend,
we had Yakiniku with friends.
Ena and I had already eaten yakiniku last weekend,
so we didn't think to eat it today.
Well, why we eat?

Because Yakiniku monster was coming!!!
We had surfed very much this day,
so it's the prize for us!
Smile with yakiniku♪
Smile with yakiniku♪
It's happy time.


There were good waves all of points!!!
and was only a few surfers as weekdays.
Therefore we enjoyed surfing without stress.
Cream puff!!!!


and was only a few surfers as weekdays.
Therefore we enjoyed surfing without stress.
Way back to home,I got corns.
Very very sweet corns!!
Have you ever eaten the non boiled corn??
Fresh corns can eat without boiled, and it's very sweet!!
Try it!
Chiba's corn is the best in the world!!!
Sweets is necessary for the body of exhaustion in surfing.....
Cream puff!!!!
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