
Chiba, Japan
Love my family,friends,mellow waves and longboarding. 毎週末、千葉北メインで良い波があるところに出没するテケテケ夫婦サーファーです♪ 日々の思い出をBlogupしています。 We are studying English for the future, so I write in English. If you can't read English, please enjoy the photos and atmosphere♪ See you in the water♪


Surf @ Shonan

Yesterday, we went to the Shonan.

We surfed at the Kugenuma with my local surfer friends of the Shonan.

There were super many surfers!!!!!!
Maybe 200 surfers.
It was soooooooooo busy........

However water temperature was hot,
and surfers were dangerous....

It's my freind's car.

Please check it well!The boiler is in his car!!!
he gets hot shower by using it.
His idea is wonderful.

After surf, we went to the Onsen

The hot springs of Inamuragasaki.

Good atmosphere

Black water.

We went to The air's kite works at Kamakura.

This shop is for the Kite surfin,

and many girl's surf wear 'pualani' is sold.
So, my wife loves this shop.
He is Joel, the shop's good clerk.
We spended good holiday♪

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